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“Life is a series of experiences, each of which makes us bigger, even though it is hard to realize this. For the world was built to develop character, and we must learn that the setbacks and grieves which we endure help us in our marching onward.”

- Henry Ford

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

What The Stars Have To Say

About me! At least for this year. Even if you do not believe in horoscopes, it is still fun to read them, right? I have generally found that I am the quintessential Gemini (I was born in late May) when I read the profile of a Gemini. So yeah! Post yours for this year. =)


Much of your energy this year will be focused on figuring out ways improve your financial situation. Money will definitely be coming your way and will greatly influence your personal beliefs, dreams and philosophies. You have a quick way of analyzing situations and expertise to organize your thoughts to maximize your productivity. You have an intense desire to be of service to others and have a keen sense of knowing where in the world you can be most effective to make a positive difference for change in the world.

Community involvement gives you a forum to sharpen your debate and controversy skills that you so thoroughly enjoy. There will be a strong influence from others to help you create more personal security in having your material needs met. You could expect receiving a possibly large sum of money from someone you have helped rise to the top of their career. The summer will give you more time to enjoy life and pamper yourself. Time for some long deserved wonderful vacation time! It will be good to get away and spend some time to start thinking of yourself more and allowing time to recreate your personal values. This will give you a new sense of personal freedom.

You are feeling your home life requires attention to be more comfortable. New ideas will flow to create a nurturing atmosphere for your innovative lifestyle. You will definitely be setting some time aside to make some changes, even the possibility of a complete move to better suit your dreams and aspirations. Your creative interest is perked when you share your stimulating ideas with a responsive mate.


Flora Korkis said...

What I don't like about horoscopes is how vague they are. Look at yours. Seems pretty vague, doesn't it? And no, I don't look at this stuff. Not into it (no offence to you).

Flamenco said...

ahh bummer.....:(