Welcome to ATWKS!

“Life is a series of experiences, each of which makes us bigger, even though it is hard to realize this. For the world was built to develop character, and we must learn that the setbacks and grieves which we endure help us in our marching onward.”

- Henry Ford

Monday, January 7, 2008

The ATWKS Plan

Hello dear readers! This post is to inform you on what's going to happen at ATWKS, and it's really important to me. I thought of this plan today, and I think it will work quite well. What's the plan's goal? To bring more interest to ATWKS! There are several elements to the plan. Here they are:

Getting more writers
We at ATWKS need more writers. If you'd like to write for us, click here.

Spreading the word
We'll be subscribing to your blogs and any blogs you like, and we'll post on there. Post your blogs here! Also, please do tell your friends about ATWKS.

Better connections
We already have several ways for you to get updated on the happenings at ATWKS (ATWKS group, my MySpace, Google Reader subscriptions), but we'll work on more. Please post some ideas here if you'd like.

Also, I just want to tell you guys that I'm going to limit myself to posting just once a week so I can dedicate my time to spreading the word. Okay, I'll probably fail, but point is, you'll see me posting less until I feel the time is right. You'll know when.

With Love,


Ana said...

i would suggest gaining more trafic/comments by commenting other peoples blogs and mantaining that relationship. if you comment someone most likely they will comment you back and then link up.

and i agree that you should wait a while because sometimes im very excited to do a new post but then if i post too soon my older post goes unread.

Flora Korkis said...

That's what I've been doing today. I find it easier to post on blogs dedicated to topics I like. Recently, I've been posting on metal blogs.

By the way, are you still willing to write at ATWKS? We'd love to have you, Ana!