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“Life is a series of experiences, each of which makes us bigger, even though it is hard to realize this. For the world was built to develop character, and we must learn that the setbacks and grieves which we endure help us in our marching onward.”

- Henry Ford

Sunday, December 16, 2007

The Race Card

It is possibly the most overused excuse for failures in anything, and it's really pissing me off. There's a thing in life called "responsibility," and some people still need to learn to take it. However, wouldn't it be awesome if there was a flag that took away one's ability to use the card for 2 weeks when they misuse it? If only things could be a little like this....

Now it's story time.

It was a cold and brisk winter afternoon, when my mother and I left our shop (we owned some variety stores in the past) and were looking to go home to some nice hot cups of tea after a hard day's work. We waited for the bus to come to our stop, and it came. "Bus 34 is here, mom!" I exclaimed excitedly. We were real busy that day, and worked real hard, so you can see where my excitement came from. Anyway, the bus came eventually, and we got in our seats.

As me and my mom were sitting and waiting for the bus to finish loading up all of the passengers so that the driver could leave, a lady went up to pay the driver, and her boyfriend sat in one of the seats. Seemed usual. However, then he looked at her and said, "Sorry, I can't let you on. You're $0.10 short."

And then she just totally set loose. The first words out of her mouth were, "You're just not letting me in because I'm black!" The driver explained many times that it wasn't because she was black, but because she was short on change. How hard is that to get? But honestly, I mostly just felt sorry for her boyfriend, who put on a faint smile and had his head down in shame.

Please tell me your stories of instances where you've seen the race card being played for no good reason.


Anonymous said...

I work at a resturant. One of my employees were being a little rude in explaining that our debit machine wasn't working so I finally was able to deal with it after getting the kitchen under control. This older african man starts yelling at me about how she was rude. And before I could get a word in this guy says "I Have never been treated like that in my life, is it because I am black?" Fuck that, if that was the case I don't think he would be in the resturant in the first place. I want to go to the ghetto and be "Hey what you all shootin' me up for is it cause I am white?"

Flora Korkis said...

Thunder, that is absolutely rediculous behaviour on the man's part. He could have at least EXPLAINED why he thought one of your employees was being racist, and he could have done it in a calm manner. It's especially sad because he is an elder that we're supposed to have deep respect for.

Thunder, you'd probably get killed. But you'd be my new hero.

Ana said...

well in seventh grade these black girls at my school made a black only locker where they kept snacks and stuff. White girls werent alowed.

when one girl complained one of the black girls was like "well us black people have been hated on for years so we got the right to have a locker."


Flora Korkis said...


I guess they believed that 2 wrongs make a right. Complete and utter shit it is.