(RE: "Bush's Newly-Proposed Budget Plan That Contains Medicare Cuts")
That's right, they've been delayed. That's the good news. The bad news is, now you have to wait until July 1st to see if the plans will be terminated entirely. Thanks to all the petitioners and those who have signed petitions. You've made the delay possible. No, that wasn't sarcasm, either.
Welcome to ATWKS!
- Henry Ford
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Bush's medicare cuts delayed
Posted by
Flora Korkis
6:59 a.m.
Categories Flora's Posts, Health, Politics
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Your ass contributes to global warming
That's right, your ass contributes to global warming. How is this so? Well, your ass contains fart. Fart contains gases. These gases are oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, and methane. Methane is a radioactive gas. Radioactivity contributes to global warming. When unifying together, the effects of methane and carbon dioxide are drastic on the environment.
Where'd I get my ingredient list? From KidsHealth! I was actually very surprised but happy to see that little kids have an outlet to learn about this stuff on the internet, as opposed to that croc-o-shit of Barney or Sesame Street or whatever it is that little kids watch.
Further reading: Methane's Effect On Climate Change May Be Twice Previous Estimates
Feel very guilty about your next flaytus release.
Posted by
Flora Korkis
10:36 p.m.
Categories Flora's Posts, Humour, Science
A Change of Heart
Meet Chris Johnston, a 49-year-old ex Minister who now works as a Loan Officer in the banking industry. We had an interesting interview on his move from faithful to faithless.
Hello, Chris Johnston! I believe you mentioned at some point that you were a minister for 15 years, but suddenly had a change of heart and turned to Atheism. Why did you pick Atheism over Christianity?
Wow, let's jump right in! Okay! Honestly, it's not like I put Christianity on one side and measured it against Atheism. The two are not in that kind of competition. And it was hardly sudden.
I became a Christian at the age of 14, and "answered the call to preach" at 15. It was one way to be different, to get some attention for a geeky, skinny kid. My first sermon took hours to prepare and the whole thing lasted ten minutes! I spent the next few years preparing for the ministry. I started out as a Southern Baptist (largest protestant denomination in the country at that time) but switched to independent Baptist after my first year of college. That meant I was no longer affiliated with Southern Baptists, but was a member of a church that was very loosely associated through a common string of doctrines. This was extremely fundamentalistic. In fact, to us, Jerry Falwell was quite a compromiser, the worst insult you could give to another Christian, in our eyes!
I spent some time at a now-defunct bible "college" in Tennessee where I met my first wife. In time we had two children, I finally graduated from an accredited college with a bachelor's degree in Theology and a minor in history. During that time I pastored a rural Mississippi church. As it turned out, the church members were so bigoted, they not only didn't want blacks, they also didn't want poor whites!
Following my graduation, I matriculated at a Southern Baptist seminary. About one year into my accelerated program, I realized I was in the wrong line of work. Somehow they were all talking about a relationship with Jesus as if it were actually a personal friendship, and I realized that I had never had that and didn't even know how it worked. I had been seeking for years for a deeper emotional and spiritual understanding, but somehow, there were no answers to prayer.
All this conflict gave me a great deal of difficulty with my personal life, so my wife took the kids home to momma and daddy, and we eventually divorced.
I continued as a seeker for some time, trying to find what I felt I had missed out on. I eventually discovered "Atlas Shrugged," by Ayn Rand. This led me to begin thinking about the nature of belief, faith, and evidence.
I realized that since 95% of the worlds' Christian church members actually live their daily lives as if there were no god, I would stop living the lie. I finally fully embraced atheism just two or three years ago, and came out in the last year or two.
How was it a way to get attention? Did you feel alone, and decided that, by becoming Christian, you'd at least have God to "keep you company"?
Tell us more about how you feel about Jerry Falwell, please.
How are "95% of the worlds' Christian church members actually live their daily lives as if there were no god"?
Good questions.
I was a geeky high schooler, 6'1" and 150 lbs, and didn't really fit in, in a small town where I had not been born. I had no athletic ability and our school was so small there was really only the "in" crowd and the hoodlums.
So my best friend and I were the "preacher boys," which got a lot of attention from the church and the older crowd. And no, it really had nothing to do with loneliness, I never really felt lonely growing up.
I didn't care much for Falwell and his "silent majority." This had more to do with what we considered his "doctrinal weakness" than anything else. We were more in the Bob Jones University crowd, although the "uppercrust" pretensions of that place were a little offputting for country boys who liked country and bluegrass music.
With time, I came to appreciate Falwell and others for what they are (were). Evangelicals who believe that it was their job to bring about Christian law. They pushed Scientific Creationism (that was its name in those days, not ID) and wanted to elect their kind of Christians to school boards and local, state, and national office. Eventually Falwell's popularity faded and I hadn't thought about him for years by the time he assumed room temperature.
Most Christians live their lives as if God did not exist. How else can you explain the response to Matthew 6?
25"Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? 26Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? 27Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life[b]?
28"And why do you worry about clothes? See how the lilies of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. 29Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. 30If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith? 31So do not worry, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?' 32For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. 33But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. 34Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.
And yet Christians go about their lives working, saving, paying for health insurance, etc. because it's STUPID NOT TO! It is against human life to take no thought for tomorrow, and this is what the Bible is teaching here.
There are a great many more passages that come to mind. Remember how Jesus is reported to have said things like "turn the other cheek," and "blessed are the meek?" When was the last time you went on a Christian web forum and identified yourself as a satisfied atheist? Lots of love there, usually about the time they realize they cannot win the argument!
Certain In-Laws who shall remain nameless are a good case in point. They love their church. They take discipleship classes. She fills in on piano. He teaches Sunday School. If we go to the lake to visit with them, it's always us disrespecting them because we won't go to church with the. In fact, you could say they never miss a Sunday.
Unless the Chiefs are in town (season tickets). Or they have a trip somewhere. Then they are blissfully unaware that churches exist and are in session on Sunday morning! Is it just me, or is something missing here?
This is a fun thing. It feels good to say some of these things. I just tried to access your blog, though, and got an error message. Let me know when you start posting some of it.
Good answers, Chris.
What is Falwell's "silent majority" and "doctrinal weakness," in your opinion? What's the "Bob Jones University crowd"? How do you feel about Scientific Creationism being pushed into schools?
I'd also like to add something. Would you say that the lack of dedication to Christianity on the part of Christians was a comparatively strong influencing factor in your move to Atheism, or was it comparatively minor as opposed to other factors?
Wow, did I say "silent majority?" That was a term coined by Richard Nixon in a speech from Novermber 3, 1969 at the height of the Watergate scandal.
What I meant to say, was "Moral Majority," an evangelical-leaning-toward-fundamentalist political organ founded by Jerry Falwell in 1979. Wikipedia has an excellent article concerning the Moral Majority. We were of a stricter stripe, doctrinally speaking, than Falwell's church. We thought he was a "compromiser," the worst thing our crowd could ever call someone who was, in truth, as close to us doctrinally as anyone could be. However, we were a little closer to "Hardshell" baptists than anything. A Hardshell Baptist is one who believes in Calvinist predestination, that God's plan all along was to create the world and everything in it, and plan from the beginning to redeem only his chosen few. Today I recoil at this idea of a god more than almost any other. It makes him seem like a petulant child as well as a sadistic thug.
Had I continued in that type of church, I shudder to think what may have happened. We were close to endorsing abortion provider murders, clinic bombings, and the like. In those days, a very slick and well-done video series was making the rounds: Francis Schaffer's "How Shall We Then Live?" He popularized the notion that abortion was a new Holocaust more terrible than the slaughter of six million Jews, not to mention millions of retarded, handicapped, homosexuals, and others.
Bob Jones University was founded in the 1920s by, of all people, an evangelist by the name of Bob Jones, Sr. Go figure! It's a fundamentalist institution which has added a veneer of classical culture. BJU (the University where you are likely to get a BJ but not tell anyone) graduates tend to have a condescending attitude toward graduates of other Christian schools, even fundamentalist ones. They liken themselves to Harvard. They look down on all manner of popular culture, including country and bluegrass music, preferring classical, etc.
Presidency of the university has passed to the fourth generation Jones under Stephen Jones, son of Bob Jones III. Of course god approves of this particular method of passing the mantle in order to ensure continuation of the legacy.
I'd rather think about it than feel about it. Feelings about it simply elevate emotionalism to the place that faith occupies in religionists. That being said, I am passionately against anyone attempting to appropriate a place akin to science for their mythology.
http://www.venganza.org/ is an excellent answer for the push to instill "Intelligent Design," (ID) which is "Scientific Creationism", which is the creation myth dressed up in scientific language. ID was being pushed in Kansas by the Kansas Board of Education. The method they were using was insidious. By redefining science, they hoped to make room for supernatural explanations for natural phenomena. The "Flying Spaghetti Monster" was an attempt to show how silly it was to take one supernatural explanation over any other. It has since become a cultural phenomenon, and you can see one of its posters at the top of my blog, http://faith-in-action.blogspot.com.
This was proven in court in the case of the Dover, PA school board. U.S. District Judge John E. Jones ruled that ID is not science and cannot be used in the public school. All of this is fascinating reading and should be required.
And I would say the lack of dedication on the part of Christians was simply an aggravating factor. I spent many years defying that trend, looking into mysticism, spending hour after hour praying for something more than I had experienced. I know now, that the prayers were never heard outside that room.
Speaking of Jerry Falwell and the Moral Majority, how do you feel about Pat Robertson's revival of the group under the name of the Moral Majority Coalition? How do you generally feel about Pat Robertson? Would you liken him to a terrorist such as Osama Bin Laden, like Ethical Atheist did, or not? Why?
Hmm... you said you were close to "endorsing abortion provider murders." I'm sure you meant "endorsing abortion-provided murders"? What'd you mean there?
Here's some things I'm going to assume about the BJU crowd, given the time and Christian standing:
Definitely an all-male university. Since they weren't allowed to have sex before marriage, that's why they'd commit homosexual activity "under the table," in reference to your BJ pun. They were tied up in the past, possibly with Gregorian music, and always deemed tradition to be better, even though they never gave modern music a chance.
Am I correct? Please tell me what I got wrong.
Anyway, back to the questions... can you give our readers an example of ID "preachings" dressed with science?
I think it's specious at best to lump Pat Robertson, who engages in offensive religious speech, with Osama bin Laden, who murders innocent men, women, and children in order to creat terror and achieve his political or religious aims. Do I think he would like to see a theocracy here in the U.S. under his own brand of Xianity? (Wow spell it like that and it sounds eerily like insanity) Of course he would. Would he stoop to terrorism to achieve it? Well, the man isn't stupid or crazy. Religiously, I believe he's about at the same level of fanaticism, except that Islam makes men like OBL heroes and the New Testament is a more passive document.
No, I meant what I said. At that time, killing an abortion providing doctor was being likened, in more extreme churches, to an act of defending the defenseless, where we would use lethal force to stop someone from raping a baby, for instance. It was a scary precipice.
Almost all of it. *Laughs* It's a co-ed christian university started in the 1920's by fundamentalists. Their hatred of folk, country, etc. is simply an affectation of culture. It's very off-putting. And the blowjob thingy has nothing to do with homosexuality. It's just that the culture is so very strict, it's easy to see where hypocrisy can creep in.
A Google search on "Intelligent Design" should yield plenty of instances.
So, Flora, I am enjoying this interview. I am curious to know more about you, too. I understand you are in high school in Toronto? And that you were born in Iraq?
What can you tell me about your life so far? Are you truly atheist? And I see a great deal of difficulty in your relationship with your father. Do you feel more free to resist since you live in Canada, instead of a Muslim country? And how has the tube of lip gloss thing gone? Did everything come out all right?
Can you give the readers a reason as to how it's not passive?
What do you mean by "an affectation of culture"? Do you mean a false hatred or dislike of sorts?
Seriously, Chris, that ID search almost made me throw up. Ramen!
Yup. Born in Iraq. No, I'm not taking school in Toronto, but very near there.
My life's going quite good. I'm working on a lot of social activist projects with a Christian service animator (believe me, she's a great lady), and a buddy of mine, who also happens to be named Chris. We're hoping to get our projects known on a global scale someday. He's really such a great guy, and he's only in 10th grade!
Yes, I am truly an Atheist. Funny thing is, people thought I'd be depressed after giving up my strong beliefs in God. But let me tell you, that was when my depression decreased on such a large scale. I've learned to live life to live, not to live life to hide. I can just be me, and go through life helping others without having to worry what's going to happen to me. And I can't wait to see the impact I have on other people's lives.
I do feel more able to resist. It wasn't about whether I'm a female anymore when we came to Canada - it was about the individual. Though women still have a path to walk here, it's way fucking better than being most places in the Middle East.
The lip gloss thing has gone well. Wow, I post everything about me at ATWKS, haha. But I thought it was funny and so I'd share it. But wow, it really was a drag. I don't want to go into details about HOW I managed to get it out.
And Chris, I'm really enjoying the interview too!
Modern terrorists take an active role in trying to achieve their aim. For the Islamist, I believe that aim is total Shari'a domination of the world.
Pat Robertson would like the same thing (except with his interpretation of the moral code, his brand of Xianity in charge) but would never stoop to blowing up innocent people to achieve his aim. I attribute that partly to the nature of the New Testament (even though he twists it when it suits him) but mostly to the secular society the United States has always had. We have always believed that we had to convince someone, not threaten them, to get them to truly convert.
The New Testament is a very passive book. In fact, it's pacifist. When jesus simply tells his followers to turn the other cheek, and pray for those who "despitefully" use them, it's obviously a pacifist book. How neoconservatives and the religious right make Jesus into some sort of warrior god is beyond me.
Funny, the differences between the teachings of Jesus (whose existence I tentatively stipulate as a holdover from so many years of indoctrination) and the teachings of the modern evangelica churches.
Jesus on public "righteousness"(Gospel of Matthew chapter 6):
1"Beware of practicing your righteousness before men (A)to be noticed by them; otherwise you have no reward with your Father who is in heaven.
2"So when you give to the poor, do not sound a trumpet before you, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, so that they (B)may be honored by men (C)Truly I say to you, they have their reward in full.
3"But when you give to the poor, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing,
4so that your giving will be in secret; and (D)your Father who sees what is done in secret will reward you.
Church practice: big deal about giving, huge deal about good works, everyone goes to church to see and be seen. Many churches preach about a success gospel that says if you are successful it is evidence God has blessed you.
Jesus on Prayer (Matt. 6):
5"When you pray, you are not to be like the hypocrites; for they love to (E)stand and pray in the synagogues and on the street corners (F)so that they may be seen by men (G)Truly I say to you, they have their reward in full.
6"But you, when you pray, (H)go into your inner room, close your door and pray to your Father who is in secret, and (I)your Father who sees what is done in secret will reward you.
7"And when you are praying, do not use meaningless repetition as the Gentiles do, for they suppose that they will be heard for their (J)many words.
8"So do not be like them; for (K)your Father knows what you need before you ask Him.
Church practice: oral prayers in public, prayers written down and read at public gatherings (including a recent Barack Obama gathering I attended)
Jesus on wealth (Matt. 6):
19"(Y)Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal.
20"But store up for yourselves (Z)treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves do not break in or steal;
21for (AA)where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
Church practice: back to the success gospel, plus for instance the Roman Catholic church being the wealthiest nation (Vatican City-state) per capita in the world, amassing fortunes in gold, art, etc. looted from around the world (through the demanding of tribute from its churches and the looting of the new world gold in the 16th-20th centuries)
Finally, Jesus on the use of force (Matthew 5):
38"(AZ)You have heard that it was said, '(BA)AN EYE FOR AN EYE, AND A TOOTH FOR A TOOTH.'
39"But I say to you, do not resist an evil person; but (BB)whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other to him also.
40"If anyone wants to sue you and take your [g]shirt, let him have your [h]coat also.
41"Whoever forces you to go one mile, go with him two.
42"(BC)Give to him who asks of you, and do not turn away from him who wants to borrow from you.
43"(BD)You have heard that it was said, '(BE)YOU SHALL LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR (BF)and hate your enemy.'
44"But I say to you, (BG)love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,
Church practice: lawsuits, articles of incorporation, the preaching of armed conflict, even though Jesus specifically said a Xian should not defend themselves. Making Jesus to be some kind of avenging angel who leads armies on America's behalf. In this way many Xians are more rooted in the god of the Old Testament than in the New Testament.
What's the difference between the God of the Old Testament and that of the New Testament in your eyes?
Wow. Big question. I won't go into chapter and verse citations, but here are some high points.
In the Old Testament, he is an angry God, jealous and petulant about his followers' attentions. This is a basic cultural ideal from millenia ago, "Our God is better than your god." Many places in the OT, Yahweh is considered the best god, but the existence of other gods is not called into question. He smites unbelievers, conquers his enemies, and calls for wholesale slaughter of men, women, and children when conquering. This is still cited in evangelical churches as being a healthy thing for Israel.
Where God's power is wholesale in the OT (parting the Red Sea, making the sun stand still, flooding the earth, etc.), in the New Testament, his miracles are retail, through Jesus (healing the sick one at a time, making fish and loaves feed a multitude). One wonders why, if Jesus could do these things, he didn't just end suffering altogether.
Where the OT God is very similar to other gods of the time, i.e. warlike and with a great deal of human failings (anthropomorphism), the NT God is a "God of love." "God is love." In the NT, the claim is that Jesus paid for the sins of the entire world, including all in the past and everything going forward until the end of time. Kind of an odd deal. God makes the rules that we cannot keep, which makes us evil and sinful, then pays the price for us. Hmmm sounds like a gospel sermon but the oddity of it all just makes me wonder what I was ever thinking to be involved with it.
If it had to make sense or require evidence, it wouldn't be faith, would it?
Interesting answers.
Any last words for our readers?
I guess my final word would be an exhortation to reason. We must, in the final analysis, think for ourselves and make our own decisions. One great way to do this is to ask better questions. What if I haven't necessarily been taught the truth? What would happen if I changed my mind?
Demand evidence. Think it through. Make up your own mind.
Flora, thanks for the opportunity to vent!
Chris has a blog called Faith In Action and a website on bonsai.
Posted by
Flora Korkis
7:29 a.m.
Categories Flora's Posts, Humour, Interviews, Religion, Studies
Monday, February 25, 2008
Bush's Newly-Proposed Budget Plan That Contains Medicare Cuts
President Bush plans (work in progress) on proposing a bill to Congress that will become part of his budget plan to reduce large costs and federal spending if he can get Congress to accept his initiative. Bush believes there is unnecessary spending in the Medicare and Medicaid programs, yet he still wants to follow through with a 3 trillion dollar spending request. Bush's primary reason for saving on public health care is to create a surplus in the economy's long run, but his plan to cut health care spending will create still even higher deficits in the coming years. I see some fairly good intentions and possibly positive effects of his budget plan. He is trying to address the issue of unnecessary spending, but what Bush views as "unnecessary", I see as misdirected and inefficient in the context of the health care program's funding and how money is appropriated within the system. I strongly believe that Bush's spending cuts should have been more directed at the insurance companies rather than focused on taking money away from Medicaid (for low-income families), nursing homes, home care agencies, and ambulances. Bush's decision to propose this bill (or rather, more clearly, to advocate for this bill) that will cut off money for health insurance programs only reinstates how weak our economy has become relative to previous years and how costly it will be to maintain this current health care system in this fledgling economy.
What especially saddens me is that it takes money away from teaching programs for prospective nurses and doctors who want to be involved in internships before becoming a full-time professional. This takes away even more potential medical specialists from the American workforce, when these highly-qualified people are already in such high demand.
As you may guess, with Democratic majorities in the House and Senate, this is a very unpopular cut, but the Bush administration saw that about one-fourth of federal spending was on Medicare and Medicaid. They decided to diminish costs instead of reapportioning the funds, and avoided reducing costs that would, even in the slightest, have impact on the economy. I am relieved that Bush chose to decrease spending on the War in Iraq, and that the bill was created so that new regulations assigned to the two health insurance programs could be heavily revised by Congress.
In the end, this discussion will most likely not even matter. This bill will be dead before it is even discussed on the floor or put up for a vote. ;) Whad'ya think?
Posted by
7:10 p.m.
Categories Flamenco's Posts, Health, Politics
Flamenco has been busy
Flamenco, a writer on this site, hasn't posted in a while. If you're a fan of her writing, remember that she's a very busy lady in Washington who's occupied with helping with Hillary Clinton's campaign. Please provide some comments of support here.
Posted by
Flora Korkis
12:44 p.m.
Categories ATWKS Announcements, Flora's Posts
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
The Roaming Buffalo
Meet Buffalo Brown, "a proud native son of the USA accepting the hospitality of Canada; a Nam Vet who is a capitalist, socialistic, Libertarian" who also describes himself as an Atheist and hedonist. He's the 2nd interviewee on ATWKS' interviews with me. Below, his answers are formatted in italics, and my questions in bold.
What state did you formerly live in the USA? How was your transition from said place to Manitoba, Quebec?
When did you become an Atheist, and why? Why did you realize yourself as a "hedonist"?
Please tell us about some of your experiences in Vietnam, seeing as you're a 'nam vet.
In your blogger profile, you wrote "above all else I value freedom. Freedom is a delicate flower that is difficult to cultivate and so very easy to destroy." Can you expand on this, regarding how you've seen freedom being cultivated and destroyed relevant to something that heavily impacted you?
You asked a few tough questions there, young lady.
1) My last state-side home was in Missouri - Kansas City to be exact. I have lived ever where from California to Massachusetts.
2) The transition to Manitoba is far from complete. I can only tell you that the summers are too short and the winters too long and cold. I hate cold.
3) The journey from believer to Atheist took a number of years to travel. After years of studying religion and philosophy, after years of thinking about what I had read, I found it impossible to believe in a deity. It wasn't a choice. One doesn't choose to believe or disbelieve.
4) I believe that life is about living. We truly live by experiencing all life has to offer - the pleasures, the pains, the sorrow, the joys, the work, the learning. That is the GP-rated version. 5) Vietnam was a life-altering experience. It was endless hours of hard work, lonliness and boredom juxtaposed with periods of mind numbing, adrenalin-charged danger. It is something that stays with you forever.
6) Unfortunately I don't see freedom being cultivated. I see it only being taken away. I believe very strongly that every adult should be free to do exactly what they want to do as long as it does not physically interfere with someone else enjoying those same freedoms.
Missouri sounds familiar. If you could describe it in 1 word, apart from home, what would it be and why?
I don't think of Missouri as home. I've lived in far too many places to consider any one of as my home.
Well I was asking you, sir, if you could describe Missouri in one word and why, hah.
I am well aware of that, ma'am. How do you describe the ever changing beauty of the Ozark Hills in one word? Have you ever sat on a bluff over looking the convergence of two very different rivers, one clear, shallow and fast moving and the other deep, slow and muddy, while a full summer moon casts its magic? How does one describe the beauty, the aromas, the kiss of a night breeze and the sounds of night creatures moving through the woods in one word. How does one adequately describe love with one word and one word only?
Well, there are broad terms you can use, but I sort of get ya. I tell you, if I had to describe my current town in 1 word, it would be quite hard, and not for positive reasons. *laughs*
One word descriptions are very limiting as the image that is conjured in the mind of the reader is often quite different from what the writer meant.
You're still getting adjusted to Manitoba, eh? What do you think of the culture and the people of Manitoba? How does it differ from that of your other homes, such as Missouri?
I don't judge all of Manitoba based on my observations of this small section where we live. It is a heavily Mennonite area. I have not been able to engage any of them in conversation. I get the impression that if you're not Mennonite you are not only an outsider, but for all intents and purposes you don't exist. I have never lived anywhere that I could not get people to talk to me.
What are some other things about Manitoba that really turn you off? And no, not in a sexual way. Though I highly doubt that a city would be able to sexually turn anyone on sexually, unless you were sadistic... sorry, I got caught in the moment there. Also, do you have anything good to say about Manitoba? Because if you do, do tell us.
This part of Manitoba is a very peaceful place. The threat level is virtually zero. I am not uncomfortable with leaving the house unlocked. I feel no need to have a pistol within easy reach. (I sent it home before I crossed the border. A good thing since they searched our saddlebags when we crossed.)
The medical system here seems to work fairly well. The cleanliness of the environment blows me away.
Other than the cold of winter and the lack of social contact it isn't a bad place.
What was the most significant piece that you've read which helped you build a strong lead toward Atheism?
It would have to be the Bible - specifically the King James version of the Bible.
Why was it specifically the King James version that impacted you in a negative manner?
That was the version of the bible we used. The outcome would have been the same if I had read a Catholic bible or any of the newer translations they offer now days.
I'll say, you've got some very interesting views on life. Must be the "with age comes wisdom factor." Hah, you must be OLD. Errr..... okay, let's get back to the questions.
Yes, I'm old. By your standards I'm ancient.
The wisdom factor that is supposed to come with age is highly overrated. More often than not that much vaunted wisdom translates into the knowledge that doing something you really want to do is going to hurt like hell.
So, in short, 'nam was like many moments of boredom, with intervals of life-threatening danger in between?
Yeah, kind of/sort of, but not exactly. It was what it was. It isn't something I'm terribly comfortable talking about.
Okay, if talking about 'nam makes you this uncomfortable, some things must have shocked you horribly. I promise not to talk about 'nam again in this interview.
There are things about the Nam that do cause an emotional reaction when I think or talk about them. More importantly, unless a person has been to war they have a tendancy to judge based on their particular sense of reality which has been cultivated by their culture, the movies they watch and the books or texts they read. A couple of years ago I was listening to an extremely liberal talk show down home. The moderator, one of those I'm so damned smart folk, was making statements about combat and the military that were absolutely wrong. I called in and told her a truth. (No, I didn't get ugly or smart.) She cut me off and told her listeners that I need to check into a mental ward. Her words to me aren't the issue. I told her an absolute truth. Her reality made her dismiss it without thought.
That's life though. Everyone judges through the filters of their own existence. More often than not their existences are extremely narrow.
Referring to your "Nam experience".... That's really true. For example, most people who were denying the Armenian genocide of 1915 didn't look at the obvious effects of the incident. Some who even recognized the situation took it for nothing.
That's a very common thing. The writers of history rarely lived it, have only second and third hand knowledge of it, and filter it through the supposed reality of their experience. No two people see something the same way. Ask any cop that questions witnesses to an accident or a crime.
That last thing you said about being able to be free without restricting anyone else's freedom reminds me of something my brother said about freedom of health. He made a comparison of fat people to smokers. He said that fat people are an endangerment to society, so why are they more socially acceptable than smokers? I would've said that it's because one person's weight doesn't affect anyone else's health, and smoking affects other people's health, but there has been some evidence that fat people, because of their high influential power within their kids at a young age, make their kids imitate their bad eating habits. How do you feel about all this?
Well, I'm fat and I smoke and, though admitedly biased, I think your brother is wrong for a lot of reasons. Check this out.
Of course parents influence their children. Peers influence peers. Entertainment icons influence fans. Poverty breeds improper nutrition and poor eating habits. Ignorance breeds poor eating habits. Two job families breed poor eating habits. Junk food and candy company advertising promotes poor eating habits. There is a lot more that I could say about both weight and smoking. It is all pretty futile though. It seems to be an unfortunate truth that there is a concentrated effort to engineer society into a place where individuality, free thought and simple freedom doesn't exist. It makes me almost happy that I am no longer young.
Thanks for the interview, Buffalo!
My pleasure, Flora. Thanks for asking.
Posted by
Flora Korkis
4:07 p.m.
Categories Flora's Posts, Health, Interviews, Politics, Reflections, Religion
Old pieces resurfaced
Some time ago, I wrote pieces on a site called DeviantArt (which is incredible, by the way). I wrote some odd and interesting stuff, and stuff that only mature readers should read. So, if you're not mature, then click the x button at the top right corner of your screen.
Morning Reflections: 1
My philosophy on writing.
The time passes by me so slowly this early morning that I can hear the drumming of the clock resting near my head. The sound of the tics and tocs keeps playing so loudly that every other surrounding sound has practically vanquished, even the sound of my pencil writing on this piece of paper. Why am I writing about something so simple, you ask? I can only answer that question by stating a personal writer's motto of mine - view your literature as art in motion. Let your past experiences of sounds and images infuse with my words to become one. Let your mind hear the clock, let your mind see the clock....
My mind is always pretty much a blank canvas until I've got that one great idea that sparks the rest of my material. Think of my style of writing as a dynamite chain where, randomly, a supporting idea can create the topic and conclusion, the topic can create the body and conclusion, or the conclusion can create the topic and body. Here is my second writer's motto - never leave the writing pad without at least 1 good idea down. You will soon discover that you won't be able to leave your writer's pad anyway.
Think of the last time you deeply immersed yourself in an activity you love to do so much that nothing else mattered. This is exactly how I feel towards writing. When I'm in my own little writer's world, no one can judge me by calling me fat, stupid, or ugly. And if they choose to do so in reality, they might as well not be because I'll be too busy in the beautiful utopia that is literature to even notice.
Canada was my first liberator, but my second liberator is what I value almost above that - the pen. It can help you write letters or petitions to help protect what is sacred to you, to verbally express yourself, and to vent out your feelings during tough times. I think that's mostly what brought me close to the pen (or in the case of this entry, the pencil), the whole aspect of writing to let people know how I feel. I want you to get something out of it so that you can better understand some of your own experiences. Indeed, the pen is taken for granted nowadays.
Though I sometimes long for time to tick faster, I'm okay with taking as much of it as possible. Like writing a story, essay, lyrics, etcetera, you sometimes need to take lots of time to really see and create the least obvious beauties of the world. Seems like time passed by quicker than I'd hoped - it's been almost an exact hour since I've started writing. All I can say is good night, and I hope to write to you in a long, rather than short time, so my next welcome to you is at least on par with the quality of this entry.
The Return of An Old Friend
On our place in the world.
She, among the other two returned. We were discussing things like my future, and ways for me to avoid my parents. For those who don't know, my reasons are too long to tell, but you're going to have to take my word for it - they highly deserve all the suffering this world can bring. Me and my brothers have done some crazy shit to eachother, but in the end, we're still care about eachother no matter how fucked up things get between us. A knife and a gun can't separate us.
The sky isn't as starry and bright as we think they are when we're children. In reality, all children are crazy idealists who, like drug addicts, easily find amusement in anything. I used to want to be on drugs and have that child-like mind, worrying about nothing and too stupid to understand the true darkness of the world, not knowing of death and the evils. Unlike what happens in a children's story, nothing is ever happily ever after, but a beginning of the end.
Look around you, and what do you see? I see a moon, with a heart so black that it steals light from the sun to be a thieving glow, ending another day in an even more thieving world. I can smell it right now.... a grave, lit by moonlight, wolves driven wild in an almost sexual way by an animalistic celebritarianism that they hope to achieve, and an innocent bystander, unwelcome by them. When the moon glows at it's brightest, red rain will fall out of the sky, gaining a brown hue and smelling like rust when it dries and touches the ground. Soon after, the innocent bystander will suddenly disappear without a trace.
It is up to you to see the beauty in the morbidity of the world. I cannot simply explain it in words, because it is inexplainable. It is one without words, but it is projected in different ways to please the eye of each individual. Let what I'm saying mean something to you, rather than questioning what it means to me. If you do ask me to explain it in words, you will permanently lose it, because the point is to go beyond society and to think for yourselves.
Vision Quest
On evil and good.
So many times have I lost myself, gazing at that beautiful element of nature called fire. I stare into its soul, and soon enough, it becomes a mirrored reflection of mine. Past, unsolved mysteries of life seem to be solved by the colour scheme of yellow, orange, and red. However, once blown out, the black and grey of the world seem to instantly reappear. It’s strange how something considered to be dead breathes so much life into me.
A great loss of words describes this moment in time perfectly. Looking again at the fire, I see the yin and yang of life. The fire, representing goodness and love, is burning out, or metaphorically speaking, destroying the black string, the evil. But before the string was burned, it was white, which represents goodness and love as well. It just goes to show that within evil lies the potential for good and within good lies the potential for evil.
There’s a dark shadow surrounding everything in life, but the way that you deal with the darkness is a vitally detrimental factor. Every fire has a shadow around it that it casts. We all create problems in our lives and pay for it either by direct or indirect karma, with the most hurtful direct form being an irony of fate. However, no one is expected to be perfect or to make no mistakes, for the mere attempt at perfection is the biggest gesture of all.
Though fire is beautiful, it can be very destructive in the wrong hands. Think of a girl holding a fashion magazine, flipping over to a page with a diet ad. Whether this girl is healthy or not, if she has low self-esteem, the chances of her giving in become greater. This can lead to mental illnesses, sometimes as serious as anorexia or bolemia. Physical perfection is not a requirement to be deemed truly beautiful, but rather perfecting the fire that is your soul.
In the end, everyone has a blazing wall of fire surrounding them, producing many of the dark, evil wonders, and many of the light, good wonders, of the world. Together, we make the living fire of destruction, passion, love, joy, sadness, sorrow, and madness. If we ever miss even just one of these things, all purpose will be destroyed, and in our hearts will thrive a life-draining void. Take my words, heed yourselves… Because fire is far from related to the image of Hell.
There's been more in the past that I've written on DeviantArt, but those were long deleted.
Posted by
Flora Korkis
1:18 p.m.
Categories Flora's Posts, Literature, Reflections
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
The never-ending chronicles of moron: part who-knows-what
I wrote this in my 2nd period classroom between 9:30AM and 10:52AM
There's so much noise and I'm so tired. It's hard to block it all out and write fluidly right now, but I'm doing the best I can.
It was early in the morning, at about 7:30AM. I woke up quite late, though I originally woke up at 6, when I went back to sleep and set my alarm clock for 7. Obviously, the clock didn't serve its purpose. And yes, I did have it set properly. I even checked twice after 7:30.
As soon as I woke up, I saw my dad. He looked pretty angry as he yelled, "It's 7:30!" I actually didn't realize that until he yelled it to me, which was when I checked my alarm clock. I explained to him my situation, and he started accusing me of lying. He even accused me of lying when I showed him myself that the alarm was set properly.
I went downstairs soon after, and I saw my mom. She asked me for the time and I told her it was 7:30. Looking at me with panic, she said, "go and change into your clothes!" "I'll find my clothes after I eat." She got a bit mad when I said that, and replied with a response of how I had no time to eat and how I was going to be late. Well quite frankly, I was going to be late whether I ate or not because I only had about 40 minutes to get ready and be at school, and it usually takes me about 25 minutes to walk there.
So there I was, eating strawberry cereal in the kitchen and waiting for the water I put in a kettle to finish boiling for my coffee, because I was just so fucking tired. Yes, I stayed up until about two; playing video games until 12 and writing more articles until 2 or 3 (I'm almost positive it was 2, but it could have gone to 3 since I didn't really check the time often) until my mom caught me and told me I had to go to bed. Since my mom was there, she was able to blame my lateness on my lack of sleep. I on the other hand, still blame it on my alarm clock not working.
My dad chose to tag along with my mom. He eventually came downstairs. I can't recall everything that happened, because I'm still a bit "out of it." I was still eating breakfast. And then, it happened - drama queen daddy (my dad's new nickname as of three, two, one, zero, now) showed up and displaced all possibly existing normalcy. Since I still can't remember a lot of shit, I'll tell you the results of the small "alarm clock mistake": I can't use the computer, TV, or play video games for 10 days. I supposedly have to cancel all plans unrelated to school. I can't go to the library anymore.
Do you honestly think I'd listen to that? Again, just because someone is older than you, doesn't mean they should have more privileges to hold more authority or deem themselves less ignorant than you. Don't get caught up in the "elders are wisest" crap, because if I'd fallen for it much longer, I'd probably have no will of my own, but that just of my father's. Believe me, I'm no angel, but my father is the queen of overreaction. Maybe I should get off my pills so I could start doing the same to him.
Posted by
Flora Korkis
12:31 p.m.
Categories Flora's Posts, Journals, Reflections
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Free speech doesn't come free, especially at ChristianForums.Com
... in many places. However, a prime example on the web which you have complete access to is http://www.christianforums.com/. We'll explore their sillyness through my chronicles there.
Recently, I was supposedly very offensive in my introduction at ChristianForums.com, according to one kindly user who sent me this PM:
Hi! We wish to inform you that your report of a post in the forum New Member Intros - KnightOfArabia 16-2-2008 has been reviewed and acted upon by Staff.I wonder what was so offensive about this:
Please reply to this PM if you have any questions.
Lol I checked my PM's and someone actually reported THIS thread.Because this didn't seem very offensive to me. You decide:
Anyway, thanks for the welcoming.
What the fuck was so offensive about that? Did I not kiss enough ass there?The Knight has arrived!
Well, as you can see, my username is KnightOfArabia. I got the idea from the Kamelot song Nights of Arabia, which is a really awesome song.
My name is Flora Korkis, and I am a 17-year-old Armenian/Turkish/Arabic citizen of Canada. I was born in Batnayah, Mosul, Iraq on December 27th, 1990.
I'm an Atheist. I came here mainly to read more on you, but I guess I'll add more just so I can make this post a little more worthwhile.
I am the Founder and President of Aftermath, a nation-to-nation and local violence awareness group here in humble little Ontario (okay, maybe not little since it carries over a third of the Canadian population).
I love music. I think it has an amazing power to move us in so many directions. I love art. I feel the last dignified job in this world is being an artist.
I want people to think of me as an artist... as someone who was always creative and well-spirited about what I do. I want people to remember me for my ideas, and for all the hard work I put into Aftermath. I want people to remember that I ran this one woman show of a life of mine ON MY OWN. I did everything of value in my life up to this point on my own.
That's all.
Tell me about yourselves, too. I'd love it.
I was also very offensive with my words, according to yet another kindly user.
Hello KnightOfArabia:The rest of that e-mail was deleted for user privacy.
I'm, and I'm a "New member intro" mod, and I'm coming to you to let you know that I have edited a post of yours
How the hell could you refuse a beard? :lol:
- removing the word hell because it violates the rule Words which are not censored but are considered violations. as explained here:
Usage of the following, in other than Biblical context:
will result in staff edits and infractions.
Please take this time and read our CF rules.
The way this works is, we extend grace the first time, we then hand out warnings, after you have had a warning, we issue infractions, after 4 infracations in a 6 month period, you recieve a 30 day ban, after 8 infractions in a 6 month period, you recieve a permienent ban.
Welcome to the forum, and if you have any questions, please feel free to PM me.
Any communication about this report, will be added to the report found here.
Thank you...
So, I took the time to read the full-length CF rules on word infractions. Here it is, and please don't take them too seriously. They're so professional, it makes me jealous. In fact, I've taken the time to bold the parts which I deem most professional.
Usage of the following, in other than Biblical context:
will result in staff edits and infractions.
The improper usage of God, Jesus, or Christ is already covered in an existing rule, but such usage will result in a staff edit, and an infraction.
If should be noted that staff still have some level of discretion, and infractions may not be automatic, especially in the case of new members, or possibly for the first violation.
The above is not considered a rule change, but more so a clarification of the existing rules, specifically in the case of words which are not censored, and how violations will be handled.
******************** Clarification ********************
Originally posted by Constance on December 3, 2007
Added to this
post by Tangeloper - Dec. 3, 2007
OK, cussing has been addressed under several different categories (blasphemy, triggering the filter, and non-filtered cussing). I'm readdressing it now to get rid of the inconsistencies between categories.
ALL instances of "cussing" will be moderated in a like manner. If reported, at minimum, a staff or member edit is required.
If someone posts "R-O-F-L-M-A-O" or "Hell!", moderators have the discretion to edit to "R-O-F-L" or "Heck!", or send an RFE, or warn, or infract, but at minimum it should be edited.
For the sake of discussion, let's assume that "poop" is a horridly vile word. If a member posts p00p or p**p or poo-hoop or calls a member a [washmymouth][washmymouth][washmymouth][washmymouth]ybutthead,
mods will send an RFE, or warn, or infract, but at minimum it should be edited.
Heck, darn, shoot, etc, are OK. In regard to abbreviations like SNAFU or LMAO, first, care should be taken because sometimes people use these abbreviations without knowing what they mean. Enough research should be done to make sure that we don't give someone an infraction for using the word asinine, an innocent acronym, etc.
If a mod contacts you about an ambiguous acronym or word, please educate them and provide them with information about the word or phrase.
In Summary:
1) All word violations are to be treated
2) Mods have discretion as to how they are treated.
3) All instances that are reported will at minimum be member or staff edited.
Professionalism is clearly at the heart of CF! Kudos to you for keeping that dirty third-grade-level demonism out of our hearts and minds!
I was very rude to CatholicSue at one point, and I shall thank the kind folks at CF for challenging my behaviour. I can't just copy and paste the entire message for you to feel wholly fulfilled, so here is the thread that they made on me (seriously, they love me that much. Ewww creepers). http://christianforums.com/t6881817-new-member-intros-knightofarabia-16-2-2008.html After all, CatholicSue was right - Atheists are the only ones persecuting Christians, and the other way around never happens! Look, there's an Atheist trying to destroy the 10 Commandments! Kill the heathen!
Here's the general ChristianForums.Com Rules. Again, the most professional parts have been bolded:
The names or titles of God, including Jesus Christ and the Persons of the
Trinity (Father, Son, or Holy Spirit), in any language, are not to be used as
expletives or interjections or in an abusive, mocking, or insulting way.
Sharing of information about one's beliefs, for instance by quoting Bible
verses or witnessing, is encouraged. Honest debate and discussion regarding the
existence and nature of God is allowed and welcome. Mockery of Christians, Christians beliefs, and the Christian God are not.
You will not promote any faith, belief, or religion other than Nicene Christianity. Promotion of Satanism and occultism is strictly prohibited. Promotion is defined as encouragement of the progress, growth, or acceptance of something including advertising and publicity.
Flaming, baiting, trolling, or feeding trolls is not allowed. This also applies to groups. In other words, play nice, don't hurt others, nor call them names.
If you think you are being flamed, choose *not* to be offended, but instead take a break, and communicate, rather than escalating or accusing others.
Defamation is not allowed.
Harassment of another member is not allowed.
Threads which are off topic for the individual forums are not allowed, and substantial derails of threads are not looked upon in a favorable fashion.
Congregational Forums wishing to remain safe havens may choose to limit debate to members of their own denomination, insist that all posts conform to their creed etc.
Age and or gender restrictions are to be respected.
Reasonable confidentiality will be respected by Staff and Members, alike. Issues with staff decisions should be taken to the staff member, then the reconciliation team, period. Don't post them, don't PM them to others, don't take them to Lee.
Do not say racist or sexist things. If the swear filter is activated, edit your post, don't try to bypass it. Don't post graphics or text you would not be comfortable sharing with someone's grandmother.
Don't break the law, don't violate copyright, threaten others, or do or promote anything illegal.
Don't spam in threads or sigs, don't promote get rich quick schemes anywhere on the
Use the brain God gave you. Think before you post. Think about how your post may affect someone else.
I honestly don't even know where to start with this wonderful information. Free speech clearly entitles restricted speech! Also, telling me how to feel saves me plenty of time. I've got no need to feel anymore! Also, I'm going to be some big giant douche on the net and take everything that's said to me from a stranger 100% seriously, and maybe cry, and hopefully, kill myself.
In other words, you can go fuck yourselves, you fascist bastards!
Posted by
Flora Korkis
9:10 a.m.
Categories Flora's Posts, Humour, Religion, Reviews
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Intelligent and slavish imitation
"Imitation" is often associated as a bad thing as a whole. However, as James Surowiecki once stated in his book, The Wisdom of Crowds (which you should run to libraries/bookstores to get if you love business and sociology), there are two forms of imitation: intelligent imitation and slavish imitation. The difference between the two, as may easily have been guessed, is that slavish imitation refers to blindly imitating something/someone, while intelligent imitation is imitating with a basis. Say for example some random stranger tells you that Barack Obama is a horrible election choice without giving reason. Imitating such a person would be slavish imitation at it's purest form. However, say you follow the aggregated opinion of many politically-aware people who share your values and beliefs, and who follow a similar lifestyle to yours. Imitating such people's political decisions would be a much more intelligent form of imitation than the one in the former example.
There's the argument that any kind of imitation is for the weak and for those who can't quite think for themselves. However, if this were true, you'd have to consider yourself weak and dependent. The reason why I'm saying this is because everyone makes decisions based on the opinions of those that they don't know. Take this in for example: you're looking for a good movie to watch on a Friday night. However, you see that http://www.movies.com/ or Ebert and Roeper gave the movie that you wanted to watch a D rating. So, do you waste your time on a relatively bad investment? No. This is an example of intelligent imitation.
Now, for a good example of slavish imitation. Imagine you're living in a far East Asian country and own a rice farm, and your neighbours own rice farms. The place that you're imagining here has differing soils, so when your neighbour has a successful crop-growing strategy, would you follow along with it? No, because you don't know if it will work for you. In fact, there'd probably be a strong possibility that it wouldn't work for you because the soil types between you and your neighbours differ so much. If you did follow what your rice-farming neighbours did without at least leaving a testing area to see if it would really work for you, that would be really slavish.
What keys into whether a person will imitate another is the degree of importance of the decision at hand. With the movie-going example, it's not really going to kill you to not rent the movie that you, at first, wanted to see. But if you're a rice farmer, and rice farming is your source of income, you want to be 100% sure that it will work for you, and you will probably not want to imitate, for the sake of your life and your possible children's lives. What I've basically hinted at here was that, the more important the decision, the less likely a person will imitate.
Posted by
Flora Korkis
5:58 p.m.
Categories Flora's Posts, Studies
Thursday, February 7, 2008
"You may not present these ideas in my classroom or in the school"
Before I talk to you folks about what happened to me today in religion class (yes, I'm forced to take this crap) with my teacher AKA the Religion Department Head Ms. Fernandes, you must bear in mind that I go to a Catholic school.
Let me tap into my memory...
I was in religion class. I was finished my work. My teacher finished talking about recycling. Things got quiet. I started a conversation with her.
I started talking to her about my group, Aftermath, and I told her about an event with Linda McQuag, an author. We talked about one of her old books, Shooting the hippo : death by deficit and other Canadian myths. I talked to her about a book of hers that I was going to discuss with Linda, which is Holding the bully's coat : Canada and the U.S. empire.
Then, I eventually mentioned that I couldn't get to the first-mentioned book because I had to go through The Wisdom of Crowds by James Surowiecki and Prescription: Medicide by Jack Kevorkian. If you don't know who Jack Kevorkian is, click here. She told me how sick Jack made her, and then we got into the whole euthanasia and assisted-suicide thing. As we went along talking, she acted as if I was a little child and said, "I know what it's like to be fascinated with ideas." She also said, "But I'm 10 years older than you and I have 4 degrees." She also ticked me off when she said this: "You may not present these ideas in my classroom or in the school." Because apparently, Catholic school students ain't allowed to do no learnin'.
Baloney. She has no right to act like she's better than me since she is a sorry excuse for a teacher anyway, and she has no right to dictate what I talk about in the school with other people. I don't care if I can't talk about it in class, but what I say out of her supervision is none of her business. What, does she expect me to report on my conversations to her so she knows what I've talked about?
4 degrees, years wasted studying at college, and still a sorry excuse for a so-called educated person. I won't even start conversations with her anymore so as to not offend her weak, poor and fragile soul. Hell, not talking to her at all would be the best step.
Posted by
Flora Korkis
5:15 p.m.
Categories Flora's Posts, Journals, Religion
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
10 years for 100 kills
Seven French medics have gone on trial in Paris, France, for supposedly breeding CJD (Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease), the human form of Mad Cow Disease, into over 100 children. Why they did this, I would not know. Apparently, in the 1980's, the extraction of hormones from the putuitary glands (glands that are pea-sized and located at the base of the brain) has been banned in 14 countries, but the French defence lawyers of said medics argue that they were only going along with the French medical conventions that they were taught.
Do you feel that these medics should go to jail for practicing what was taught as appropriate medical conventions?
Source: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/7230067.stm
Posted by
Flora Korkis
11:13 a.m.
Categories Flora's Posts, Health
Heath Ledger's death caused by drug overdose
(RE: "The Dark Knight")
This was on BBC news:
Hollywood actor Heath Ledger died of an accidental overdose of prescription drugs, the New York City medical examiner's office has ruled.Apparently, Lily (Flamenco) was right. RIP Heath Ledger.
The actor, 28, was found dead at an apartment he had been renting for several months in Manhattan.
A spokeswoman for the medical examiner said Ledger died "as the result of acute intoxication by the combined effects" of six different drugs.
Posted by
Flora Korkis
11:01 a.m.
Categories Flora's Posts, Pop Culture
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Why I have a tube of lipgloss lodged in my ass
Okay, you may think, "Wow, Flora is one dumb bitch." Or you may just be thinking, "What the fuck?!" Either way, I have a tube of lipgloss lodged in my ass, and here's the rediculously short story.
It was early in the morning, and I had the oddest thought. I thought to myself, if I wanted to, could I easily smuggle drugs via my anus? And I definitely thought I could. So I gave myself a challenge.
What I did was look around my room for anything somewhat bigger than a drug capsule but that I could fit into my anus. So, I looked around, and found a tube of lipgloss. So, I gave it a shot. It was easy to put in. The trouble now is getting it out, which, according to my ex. doctor of a father, needs to be shitted out.
And so, I wait.
Posted by
Flora Korkis
2:28 p.m.
Categories Flora's Posts, Humour, Journals
Saturday, February 2, 2008
The Evanescence Imitations
Here's something quite interesting that I just noticed. Evanescence had an EP from 1997 called Evanescence. It was their first EP. Notice how Nightwish's album Once (2004) has a very, very similar cover.


Posted by
Flora Korkis
7:43 p.m.
Categories Flora's Posts, Music, Pop Culture
Bush's Nominee for new ambassador to Armenia has Publicly Denied the Genocide
I found this on ArmenianGenocide.Com, and thought that it was really important to share - ESPECIALLY IF YOU'RE AN ARMENIAN IN CALIFORNIA. Also, please forward this to everyone on your email list, whether you're Armenian or not.
Kharpert wrote this on the forums:
If you are an Armenian living in California, you should make two phone calls this week! If we get enough calls in, we will stop the approval of a known Genocide-denier as America's representative in Yerevan.
Call Senator Boxer's office at (202) 224-3553 as well as Senator Feinstein's office (202) 224-3841 and simply ask their foreign policy assistants to make sure they take the LEAD in blocking the nomination of Richard Hoagland as the next U.S. Ambassador to Armenia.
Call right now - and then pass this message along to your family and friends.
Please make calls too whether you're Armenian or not.
For more info, click here.
Posted by
Flora Korkis
4:24 p.m.
Categories Flora's Posts, Politics