Welcome to ATWKS!

“Life is a series of experiences, each of which makes us bigger, even though it is hard to realize this. For the world was built to develop character, and we must learn that the setbacks and grieves which we endure help us in our marching onward.”

- Henry Ford

Monday, November 19, 2007

Greetings from sunny Southern California!

Hello there! I am happy to introduce myself as one of the latest writers for ATWKS.

My name (or at least the one that I will go by in this case) is Cari, but I will sign my posts as Cali. I am the daughter of Zairean immigrants who met here in California. I was born and raised here in the suburbs of Los Angeles and as far as I'm concerned its a wonderful place to be.

I'm an aspiring model, coach, business woman, and possibly journalist. Those three things actually say a lot about me so I'll explain them a bit in an effort to show you who I am.

I was bitten by the acting bug at about 10 years old. My parents took me to a talent search at about 11 which picked me up and tried to place me with an agency. I signed to a modeling/talent agency here in Los Angeles and it didn't take me long to realize that what I actually really loved was modeling. Unfortunately, my parents pulled me from the agency as soon as my contract was up and urged me to concentrate more on school. I was heartbroken, but now that I am a legal adult I'm jumping right back in to the modeling industry, much to my parents dismay.

I'm a die hard cheerleader. I love it a lot and it has become a major part of who I am. I am considering transferring to a university on a cheerleading scholarship. After I am done with school, I plan on being a coach and opening up my own all-star gym because I am in love with the sub-culture that is All-Star Cheerleading. It is something that few people know about but many participate in. So you understand just what it is that I am in love with, HERE IS A VIDEO.

I love to write. I came to college with every intention of being a Journalism major but I soon found it all to to be quite tedious. It was sucking the joy out of writing for me and in reality, some of the best journalists have said themselves that they learned few things from the classroom. So I turned to my love of business and economics. The movement of money, wealth, good, services, investements - it all really fascinates me. So now I am a Business major and considering fitting Business Law somewhere in there. I'm also fascinated by law and I love a good debate. ;)

What will you see me write about? Well, just about everything. To be completely and totally honest with you I have quite a big mouth and I am not at all afraid to use it. So look for me to be very open and having no problem with being brutally honest with the things that I run into in everyday life. Feel free to challenge me. There's nothing like a good debate that everyone can learn from, including myself!

Happy reading!

1 comment:

Flora Korkis said...

Welcome to the team, Cari! By the way, I've never heard of Zaireans. Perhaps you could write about what it's like to be a Zairean for your next post? It's just an idea, but you don't have to.
