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“Life is a series of experiences, each of which makes us bigger, even though it is hard to realize this. For the world was built to develop character, and we must learn that the setbacks and grieves which we endure help us in our marching onward.”

- Henry Ford

Friday, November 9, 2007

The First Flurries

It happened.

Today, as I was was cleaning off the boards in accounting class, my teacher looked out the window and announced the official first flurries of the year. You couldn't see them well from the boards, but when you got to the exit door and looked decently enough, you could see them.

Winter is a season that marks quite a few changes. First, there's the obvious winter blues, where our depletion of seratonin causes us to be less peppy than if it were spring, summer, or fall. Second, there's the big cold at the beginning, obviously due to the quick shift of weather that occurs here in Canada. I'm not sure about where you live, but Canada's environment is certainly one of contrasts and quick transitions into new seasons, and commonly, drastic weather changes throughout each day.

How do we fight the winter blues? The answer may or may not surprise you. Though tanning beds are notorious for their cancer-spreading ways, in moderation, they can be good. The heat given off while you're "being baked" contains seratonin, which is an anti-depressant that is great for fighting off any anxiety or sadness you may possess.

Warm up your heart! Canada's "surprise-attack" winters often leaves us very ill at the beginning (and less-so throughout the season), but there are many ways to fight it:

  1. Whenever you're feeling even the slightest bit sick, take medicine immediately.
  2. Immunity support herbs like Echinacea are a must. Last I checked, it's a popular Swiss herb that you should be able to buy at your local drug store.
  3. Drink plenty of hot liquids. I know this sounds like common sense, but as a wise man once said, common sense is not so common.
  4. Warm up your heart! Chicken noodle soup has been scientifically proven to help ward off colds.
  5. Make sure your hair is always dry whenever you go outside. This also ensures that your hair won't freeze.
  6. Instead of getting a regular jacket, invest your money in a coat that goes down to your knees. You'll be glad you did!

More winter tips to come!



Anonymous said...

Awwww that would be so helping...!
thanks for tips!
SO thats why Rose and jack's hair got freezed
it wasn't dry..

Anonymous said...

thanks for the tips flora.

i hate snow so much.

Julia said...

I will definitely try your tips :)

I just got over a cold last week...